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Mette Maja Mouritsen
Mette Maja Mouritsen


Trust and Trustworthiness

What comes first trust or trustworthiness? In some way it is necessary to trust people to realise that they are trustworthy. Life becomes very complicated, if we need to control each other before every step. Denmark is a society that is known for trusting each other. We walk alone in the park in the dark, we leave the pram without surveillance in front of a shop, and we pay our taxes. Now the people in charge the politicians and the leaders who in some way are far from the “battle” field, where trust is truly tested, are controlling the working people increasingly. Why has it become like this? Many people who are controlled get scared by “the system” and do what they are told to do, and in some way forget to trust themselves and the people they are told to control. In some way it generates mistrust. And people who still trust learn by their mistakes, and even though it sometimes may be a tuff lesson, the lessons to be learned may be very important. To exemplify this I will expose a private story about trust, which also exposes a medical congress- and publishing industry I didn’t know of before. The reason why I share it, is because it is a great eye-opener into a world, I believed was trustworthy and which our healthcare has relayed on through many years, the evidence based medicine, which to some extend control people by their researches, as people believe and trust them. I was invited to speak at a congress about neurology and brain disorders by Innovate Neurology 2017. I received this invitation by mail some month ago, and I felt very honoured by their request and their interest in my speech on consciousness, so I accepted even though it would take place in Sydney far away from my country. Later I realised that I had to pay quite a big sum of money to participate, although I delivered a speech. They said I had to pay the costs for the congress, and some Danish colleagues affirmed that it is common. I was quite surprised, but I thought that my speech was important for other doctors to understand the human body as an entity and the brain as an organ and a tool for our consciousness. Then I received another “invitation” from the 24th.Global Nursing &Healthcare Conference 2017, to speak about stress. They had my name from a Global Stress Congress in Philadelphia where I participated in 2015. I suddenly remembered this strange congress. Many doctors just showed up did their speech and went directly out of the door, not listening to the others participants. And in the end we received a diploma for participating. I started to wonder about the true purpose with these congresses. Later I received an “invitation” by mail, to submit an article to “Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science”, and I also happened to write and send an article about consciousness to them, as I wanted to share my knowledge. Then I received an invoice, where I was asked to pay for my work. At this point I started to wonder what is all this about? So I denied and wrote that I wouldn’t pay anything, I thought they should be grateful for my free work, and I stopped corresponding, as they didn’t agree on this. They did not comment on the content of my article, they just accepted it and changed the layout. Then I received further “invitations” from “Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health”, and “Journal of current neurobiology” and “ Journal of Neurology and Neurobiology”. They did either not tell me that I had to pay for my writing, and one of them seemed to be a bit offended as I have ignored their previously “invitations”. The interesting point about all this is that the congress organizer and the journals just wanted me to participate and pay, the content seemed to be of less interests, especially as I am not a neurologist nor a psychiatrist. Then I received an invitation by SPRIM a recruiting company who asked me on behalf of a pharmaceutical industry (no name given) to participate in an advisory board about stress management. As I do not manage stress with medication, I teach people to balance it, I asked why they were interested in my participation. They never responded. I am in no need of merits to make myself trustworthy, and this is why I simply said no to all these many different “invitations” as none of them seemed to be trustworthy. I learned how some of the medical trustworthiness is established. The foundation we refer to when we say, “It is scientifically proved that…” I learned some lessons and lost some money to “the Innovate Congress of Neurology 2017 “, but I did not loose myself and my trustworthiness, and I still keep on trusting people, although in a more laid back way, in the sense that letting them proving their trustworthiness.

I think a way back to trust and trustworthiness is transparency, and this is my fearless contribution with transparency in an industry I once represented, which is so much in need of transparency to keep there trustworthiness, and to keep people believing in them and their researches. Well-being and good health particularly depends on trust, and we are born in trust with an ability to love and receive love.

This will be my final post on exposing "them" and my own naïve way of trusting others. I now trust, that all is working out perfectly and that everything will expose itself and its trustworthiness sooner or later.

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