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Mette Maja Mouritsen
Blood pressure
Speaking about blood pressure whether it is too high or too low, is a bit like measuring an elastic, -highly variable by nature. To...

Separation and integration of the human body
A natural process in human development is to seek to understand life including the human body. The understanding of man began with a...

Life affirmations
.....An undeniable inner-knowing that everything is interconnected through a unified field - and is accessible to all of us. Forever...

Regarding holism
Holism is used in many different contexts, and of course since we all have our personal understanding of the concepts we use. In short my...

"Nothing is wrong....."
Perhaps you have experienced feeling ill with unexplainable pain and symptoms? You are looking for advices and help, and you may be...

We are here together
In the midst of a breaking time within health and well-being, it may be good to remember that we are here together. The struggle between...

We are not the only master of our body
It is obviously that we mainly are functioning on the automatic pilot. We can’t fully control our breathing our heartbeats, our...

Consciousness is a formless energy that can undertake any form
Consciousness is a formless energy that can undertake any form. To me everything is consciousness, my physical body, nature, my soul, my...

Healing is a process
Rarely a disease appears in a split of a second. Mostly something has preceded, which we haven’t been aware of or ignored perhaps caused...

The paradox of life
Sometimes I wish that every one in the world could listen to the story of a single persons suffering, I think it would bring a deeper...

Faith belief and Knowledge
The world is changing, so it has always been and sometimes faster than others. A change I experience is a shift from believing to...

I just want to know if something is wrong?
“ “I just want to know if something is wrong…” is a common statement when people have a bodily symptom. They often want further...

Liberating the truth
Perhaps you happen to know the feeling of being stuck by personal judgements ? Otherwise I will gladly share one of my experiences here:...

Creation and Love
From the thoughts and ideas we receive we create, and through creation we manifest our existence. It seems that we create more and more...

Embodied Awareness
In honouring patients who have had horrible experiences from awareness anaesthesia, I must say I find their experiences most valuable and...

Stop fighting and start healing
“Fight for it “ is a common expression and a common way of approaching suffering, and sometimes the struggle is so intense that a great...

The Energetic Human and Healing
How to explain The energetic human being and the proces of healing to someone who doesn’t believe in it, -in fact why try to explain it...

Det Energetiske Menneske og Healing.
Hvordan forklare det energetiske menneske og healing til en person, der ikke tror på det, ja, hvorfor i det hele taget forsøge at...

Respons and responsibility
The acts of responding and showing responsibility can be very challenging, something I continuously work on with myself. Based on a very...

I headache..... what about you?
Headache is experienced very differently and triggered by many different reasons. We use different diagnosis for head-aches, depending on...
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